About Us

Welcome to our site!

We love our customers so much, I thought I would give you a bit of a background of how we started and what we are about etc.

I have always been a lover of buns and have had bunnies for over 10 years. 

In September 2020, we (I and my partner) rescued Yinka AKA Yinkydinks AKA Yinka Goodest Boi Effort.  Yinka used to live in a small hutch in a garden with his mate.  

He belonged to a family with 2 small children who were losing interest in him.  He kept escaping and people from the neighbourhood kept looking for him and returning him to his owners and the vicious cycle would start again.  On the last occasion that he escaped, a cat got into the hutch that they were living in and killed his mate.  He lived on a building site for approximately 2 weeks.  Facebook posts went up and once again, the neighbourhood acted as a search party.  His owners were contacted but were not interested in trying to catch him (I spoke to them personally after him being out for 10 days and the lady had come up to "see if he was still alive!").  Eventually he was caught and I agreed to take him.

Yinka is partially blind in both eyes.  The vet thinks that this was due to a fight that he had before he came to me.

We have another member of our team and that is our beautiful Tripod Bun, Koko.  

Koko is another rescue bun.  She was bought as a starter pet for a child who threw her over 6 feet into the air.  The owner called a vet practice about an hour away from where I live and told them what had happened and that she was lame.  After 4 days worth of excuses of why she could not bring her to the vet, she was threatened with prosecution and eventually, she agreed to hand her over.  Koko had a bad infection and they did not think that she was going to pull through surgery however my little trooper did.  She is now blind in one eye and she had her front right paw amputated.  That doesn't stop her doing anything though!

OBS originally started to help with their medical expenses and it helps a lot considering the amount of appointments that they have for check ups.  

However since it has started, we have helped rescues with fundraisers by giving them profits or donating items for them to use and we like to think that we help to give that extra voice that buns need.  As the business grows, we will be doing more of this.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for every purchase, follow, like and share.  

We love you!


Yinka, Koko and the Mar!

xoxo Kthanksbye